


VPNGate Extractor


VPNGate is a project of a Japanese University to develop a software called SoftEther with multi-protocol VPN capabilities. The project website is available on VPNGate, providing a page consisting of volunteer operated VPN Servers.


The project page lists several hostname in a neat HTML table. To make it easy for anybody to access the data, the project page list an API page to get CSV-formatted list of VPNGate servers. The CSV-formatted list contains 15 columns, with the last column being the OpenVPN configuration data encoded in base64. The row is about 100 rows of VPN servers, with some information about the network speed, score, ping, VPN clients connected, and several other fields.

I want to make it easy for myself to extract the OpenVPN configuration, so I wrote a shell script and converted it to python with help of CodingFleet.


Clone the repository.

git clone https://tilde.club/~mydeardiary/project/vpngate-extractor.git

The vpngate_extract.py script needs requests module to be installed. The script will download vpngate.csv file from the provided API and extract OpenVPN configuration for each VPN Servers in its own CountryShort directory.

The vpngate.csv will be sorted according to speed and score as ranked.txt file. The whole directory will be archived on the $TMPDIR with vpngate_openvpn_${TIMESTAMP}.tar.gz file name.


The project is licensed under MIT License.

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