How to get cowsplained to

  1. Make sure you have python and pip installed
  2. Install the DuckDuckGo CLI tool with
    pip install ddg
  3. Install cowsay with your cli package manager of choice if you haven't somehow done so already.
  4. Add this to ~/.bash_profile:

    function cowsplain(){
      ddg $1 | cowsay

  5. Enjoy your condescending cow!


$ cowsplain feminism
/ Feminism is a collection of movements   \
| and ideologies aimed at defining,       |
| establishing, and defending equal       |
| political, economic, cultural, and      |
| social rights for women. This includes  |
| seeking to establish equal              |
| opportunities for women in education    |
| and employment. A feminist advocates or |
| supports the rights and equality of     |
\ women.                                  /
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