welcome to tilde.club
Questions? See the official FAQ.
Currently Active Users:
UPDATE: September 2024:
Happy 10th Birthday, Tilde.Club!
Tilde.Club turned 10! This cozy corner of the internet has become a haven for creativity and community. Members have crafted quirky personal pages, shared knowledge through the wiki, and supported each other in countless projects. It's a space where everyone's unique contributions shine, making it truly special. Here's to a decade of fun and friendship, and many more to come!
UPDATE: August 2024:
Hey Everyone, Disk Quotas are Here!
Just a heads up: we've rolled out disk quotas to keep things running smoothly for everyone. This will help us share space fairly and make sure the system stays in good shape. Here's the scoop:
- Soft Limit: 1 GB – You’ll get a nudge if you go over this, but no worries, you can still go up to the hard limit.
- Hard Limit: 3 GB – This is the max. Once you hit this, you won’t be able to save more files until you clean up.
- Grace Period: 1 week – If you go over the soft limit, you’ll have a week to get back under before things get strict.
You can check your usage and see how much space you’ve got left by running the <code>resources-used</code> script in your home directory. It’s easy!
tilde.club is not a social network it is one tiny totally standard unix computer that people respectfully use together in their shared quest to build awesome web pages
If you would like a list of RECENTLY CHANGED PAGES you can see that too
Or Check out the tilde.club gallery created by ~tweska
tilde.club gold star supporters
Tilde.Club is supported by a global community of good people. We don't rank people by the amount they give, only by the fact that they gave. Here's who has donated! When you're on the server, THANK THEM.
- 11/11/2024 | litemotiv
- 10/12/2024 | subarctic
- 09/25/2024 | thumos
- 09/21/2024 | jpurnell
- 09/09/2024 | barnold
- 08/29/2024 | crivic
- 08/20/2024 | speedygo55
- 05/08/2024 | whitcomb
- 03/14/2024 | alcor
- 02/17/2024 | dddaaannn
- 12/19/2023 | passthejoe
- 12/16/2023 | lake
- 11/18/2023 | serge
- 08/17/2023 | amr
- 08/17/2023 | ranguli
- 04/08/2023 | corwin
- 12/20/2022 | rajiv
- 09/27/2022 | tubbo
- 09/08/2022 | cyrus
- 06/08/2022 | barnold
- 05/15/2022 | hifikuno
- 05/12/2022 | hifikuno
- 04/27/2022 | mhd
- 02/29/2022 | neildaemond
- 02/15/2022 | alex1138
- 02/15/2022 | amr
- 01/27/2022 | whitcomb
- 12/15/2021 | dctrud
- 10/10/2021 | dmi3
- 03/08/2021 | webwiz
- 02/13/2021 | whitcomb
- 11/30/2020 | dethelor
- 11/26/2020 | waffles
- 11/20/2020 | buttstuf
- 09/03/2020 | northernlights
- 08/16/2020 | dctrud
- 07/21/2020 | offdutypirate
- 07/15/2020 | necrotechno
- 07/10/2020 | snowdusk
- 05/31/2020 | melyanna
- 05/15/2020 | wgreenhouse
- 04/21/2020 | cano
- 11/09/2019 | sneak
- 10/05/2014 | beau
- 10/05/2014 | skk
- 10/05/2014 | joeld
- 10/05/2014 | john
- 10/05/2014 | brendn
- 10/05/2014 | droob
- 10/05/2014 | delfuego
- 10/05/2014 | jonathan
- 10/05/2014 | coldmode
- 10/05/2014 | jemal
- 10/05/2014 | jonbell
- 10/05/2014 | _
- 10/05/2014 | dvd
- 10/05/2014 | whitneymcn
- 10/05/2014 | jimray
- 10/05/2014 | schussat
- 10/05/2014 | macdiva
- 10/03/2014 | extraface
- 10/03/2014 | joshuag
- 10/03/2014 | zarate
- 10/03/2014 | englishm
- 10/03/2014 | danbri
here are the home pages of our users
this list does not include people who haven't changed their page yet.
if you're not seeing yourself listed here, change your page from the default.
users with recently updated pages within the last month are highlighted in a lighter color.
- ~4mvrs
- ~Anne
- ~Linkletter
- ~Monk
- ~Smitheroons
- ~SusanElizabeth
- ~_
- ~_nathan
- ~a13x
- ~a73x
- ~aakash
- ~aalaap
- ~aap
- ~aaqi
- ~aaron
- ~abacasonline
- ~abaxial
- ~abdi
- ~abdullah
- ~abirkill
- ~aboutdavid
- ~abstractionlayer
- ~absurd
- ~abutler
- ~aby
- ~abysmal
- ~acearcher
- ~aceng
- ~achance
- ~achmatch
- ~acolyte
- ~aconlin
- ~activitystory
- ~adadavin
- ~adamsland
- ~adastro
- ~adhirajranjan
- ~aditya
- ~adjule
- ~admoman
- ~adou
- ~adsb
- ~advik
- ~aegis
- ~aerphanas
- ~aesophod
- ~aesv
- ~af
- ~afsd
- ~agray
- ~agrr
- ~aha
- ~ahappydeath
- ~ahhrrr
- ~ahmed
- ~ahtierney
- ~ahumorist
- ~aidanliaw
- ~aikoo7
- ~aj_may
- ~ajazz
- ~ajfk
- ~aka
- ~al
- ~al3x
- ~alan
- ~alazarte
- ~albert
- ~alcor
- ~aleph
- ~alessiol
- ~alex
- ~alexandria
- ~alexl
- ~alexlehm
- ~alextes
- ~alexw
- ~alf
- ~alfre
- ~algol
- ~ali
- ~alias
- ~allisontmccann
- ~almaren
- ~alt3
- ~althebug
- ~alto
- ~altotadeush
- ~altzig
- ~alun
- ~aluo
- ~aluxian
- ~alv555
- ~alv999
- ~alyxia
- ~alzwded
- ~ame
- ~amerine
- ~amh
- ~ammu1728
- ~amoghavarsha
- ~amphrony
- ~ampy
- ~amr
- ~amyot
- ~anarcho
- ~anasov
- ~anatoly
- ~and
- ~andif
- ~andre
- ~andre4ik3
- ~andreou
- ~andrew
- ~andrewhd
- ~andrewvc
- ~angel
- ~angeliamodem22
- ~angelux
- ~anhkhoakz
- ~annaleigh
- ~annathecrow
- ~annika
- ~annoyed
- ~anonyme
- ~anoond
- ~ant
- ~antharia
- ~anthonydpaul
- ~antic
- ~antidesitter
- ~antoine
- ~aotmr
- ~ape
- ~appleshampoo
- ~applestrudelman
- ~april
- ~aprx
- ~aps
- ~aquilax
- ~arch
- ~architect
- ~areko
- ~ares
- ~ari
- ~aria
- ~arkanosis
- ~arnau
- ~arne
- ~arnor
- ~arp
- ~artem
- ~artemixed
- ~artery
- ~artichoke
- ~artlung
- ~artp
- ~artyr3
- ~arunslab
- ~arzal
- ~ascii
- ~asciibene
- ~ash
- ~ashe
- ~ashellm
- ~asher
- ~ashley
- ~asimov
- ~ask6155
- ~aspect
- ~aspizu
- ~asterion
- ~astern
- ~astro
- ~astroanax
- ~astrosp
- ~astrr
- ~asvvvad
- ~atamblingpoder
- ~atanas
- ~atdx
- ~atebyagrue
- ~athena
- ~athenion
- ~athomson
- ~atomotic
- ~atomyiik
- ~atop
- ~atrahasis
- ~atrain
- ~attend
- ~aubergene
- ~aubreypwd
- ~audiodude
- ~aurora
- ~austin
- ~automaticpancake
- ~averagelinuxusr
- ~axel
- ~axylos
- ~aylaer
- ~azarma
- ~azrodel
- ~azuneer
- ~b01g
- ~b4kah4kka
- ~b4sicallyf0x
- ~baba
- ~babbuh
- ~backwardm
- ~backwardsface
- ~bacon
- ~bacterio
- ~badgumby
- ~baher
- ~banana
- ~barlow
- ~barnold
- ~basil
- ~basri
- ~batra
- ~bayang
- ~baz
- ~bazz
- ~bbsing
- ~bc
- ~bcc
- ~bcm
- ~bcruss
- ~bdeshi
- ~bdy
- ~bear
- ~beau
- ~beckstrom
- ~beep
- ~begemoto
- ~ben
- ~bencotton
- ~benharri
- ~benjaminchait
- ~benko11
- ~benl
- ~bennyvr
- ~benr
- ~berkeleyblue
- ~bernd0
- ~bernie
- ~berry
- ~beta
- ~betawaffle
- ~betoissues
- ~bfj
- ~bgc
- ~bgmcd
- ~bhudgeons
- ~biebersoft
- ~bigbrothernii
- ~biggerfisch
- ~bilgerat
- ~billder
- ~billert
- ~billy
- ~binarydigit
- ~bitbrian
- ~bitdepth
- ~bitvoid
- ~bj
- ~bjhs
- ~bjstein
- ~bkinney
- ~bl
- ~blach
- ~blackdot
- ~blackimchi
- ~bladerunner
- ~blake
- ~blank00
- ~blavius
- ~blaz
- ~blek
- ~blip
- ~blongden
- ~blu256
- ~blueapollo
- ~bluekitty
- ~bluequark
- ~bluesilver
- ~bluesky
- ~bluespace
- ~bms
- ~bobdc
- ~boccaccio
- ~boethiah
- ~boiert
- ~bokfink
- ~bonaldi
- ~boo
- ~boogah
- ~boogerwolf
- ~boomer
- ~boomhauer
- ~boostairs
- ~boostventilator
- ~bosa
- ~bosco
- ~boum01
- ~bradchoate
- ~bradley
- ~bradsucks
- ~braindamage
- ~brandizzi
- ~brendn
- ~brennen
- ~brentsch
- ~brettski
- ~brfidler
- ~brian
- ~brianbest
- ~brianvan
- ~brooke
- ~brownpau
- ~brozek
- ~brunomlopes
- ~brunoph
- ~brutus12
- ~bsless
- ~bsutich
- ~buck
- ~bugwhisperer
- ~bulverismo
- ~bumpsh
- ~bunnbuns
- ~bunnyguy
- ~bunnyhero
- ~bupkes
- ~burgers
- ~buster
- ~butch
- ~butts
- ~buttstuf
- ~buzz
- ~bvh
- ~bvm
- ~bw
- ~bwalker
- ~bwilderd
- ~bye
- ~byter
- ~caffo
- ~cahanban
- ~calcifer
- ~cale
- ~calor
- ~camille
- ~canary
- ~cano
- ~cantinhodaoracao
- ~cantoni
- ~capn
- ~capnmariam
- ~caranatar
- ~carella
- ~carles
- ~carloratm
- ~carly
- ~caro
- ~carrotcake
- ~cartwright
- ~cary
- ~casademill
- ~casey
- ~cass
- ~cat
- ~cata
- ~catbird
- ~catdrout
- ~cats
- ~cattjpeg
- ~cavalierking
- ~cavemeat
- ~cblgh
- ~cbracco
- ~ccccc
- ~cdavie
- ~cdw
- ~ceayo
- ~cedrik
- ~celiavytrac
- ~cena
- ~cenne
- ~cgndz
- ~chaffity
- ~char
- ~charbomber
- ~charleshood
- ~charliepark
- ~chars
- ~chatsubo
- ~chaztoo
- ~cherryblossom
- ~chezpwrd
- ~chicharrero
- ~chikashuto
- ~chimbles
- ~chimbo
- ~chmod777
- ~chockenberry
- ~choire
- ~chortle
- ~chosstoton
- ~chrark
- ~chridal
- ~chris
- ~chrisatthestudy
- ~chriscunningham
- ~chrisevett
- ~chrisko
- ~chriskostelec
- ~chrismessina
- ~chrisnovello
- ~christan
- ~christian
- ~chromexyz
- ~chuck
- ~chuckgreenman
- ~chunter
- ~chuyeow
- ~ci2y5741
- ~ciderbat
- ~ciphermagus
- ~cittadhammo
- ~cjdenio
- ~ckalegi
- ~ckk
- ~ckn
- ~ckoerner
- ~claus
- ~claytron
- ~clickblipclick
- ~clockwerks
- ~clpo13
- ~cmcavoy
- ~cmccabe
- ~cmcode
- ~cmdc
- ~cmoylan
- ~cmvh
- ~cobrasoftware
- ~cobyzaby
- ~codazzo
- ~coderamen
- ~codymelton
- ~cohesivescoops
- ~coignard
- ~coinz
- ~coldness
- ~cole
- ~collagen
- ~collypops
- ~comfydev
- ~computershirts
- ~conman
- ~connor7000
- ~conorlburns
- ~converso72
- ~cooldan69
- ~copingorganism
- ~cordelya
- ~corey
- ~cortex
- ~cory
- ~cosarara
- ~cotto
- ~couscouspie
- ~cpio
- ~crazybutable
- ~crdpa
- ~cregox
- ~crisp
- ~crisrobot
- ~crivic
- ~crmsnbleyd
- ~cromulus
- ~crsven
- ~cruftpunk
- ~crushedhat
- ~crypt
- ~crypt0wl
- ~cryptan
- ~crystaltd
- ~csf
- ~cshier
- ~cslug
- ~cstml
- ~csxb
- ~cvn65ew
- ~cxd
- ~cybe
- ~cyber
- ~cybergoblin
- ~cyberis
- ~cyberx9901
- ~cyrus
- ~czernobog
- ~d4ve
- ~daaave
- ~dadarepublic
- ~dafes
- ~dakota
- ~dalstroka
- ~damaru
- ~damian
- ~damionx7
- ~danbri
- ~dancohen
- ~dangermouse7777
- ~danielbachhuber
- ~danielh
- ~danielzarick
- ~dank
- ~dannycx
- ~dansbandit
- ~dansinker
- ~danxoneil
- ~dariye
- ~darkpony
- ~darkwark
- ~darreninthenet
- ~daszh
- ~data
- ~dave
- ~davea
- ~daveio
- ~david
- ~davidhfe
- ~dayne
- ~db
- ~db7
- ~dbaker
- ~dbh
- ~dc00
- ~dctrud
- ~ddb
- ~dddaaannn
- ~deadbits
- ~deadlockone
- ~deadlybrad
- ~deadmorose
- ~dean
- ~deanhach
- ~dededecent
- ~deepend
- ~deependtest
- ~deevay
- ~degenpowerliftr
- ~deivuh
- ~delfuego
- ~deltayelta
- ~demoxenos
- ~den
- ~denys
- ~derberger
- ~derca132
- ~derca432
- ~derek
- ~derrick
- ~desireco
- ~dethelor
- ~deus
- ~dev
- ~devrajput
- ~dfa
- ~dgy
- ~dhgwilliam
- ~dhm
- ~diatonic
- ~diegocr
- ~diehauch
- ~dighib
- ~diglitch
- ~dikiaap
- ~dikoy
- ~dima
- ~dingose
- ~dini
- ~discobole
- ~discquest
- ~dispatcher
- ~dizzy
- ~djd
- ~djhsu
- ~djr
- ~dlotterman
- ~dmi3
- ~dmux
- ~dn
- ~dnrvs
- ~docgreen
- ~docrobot
- ~dog
- ~doggy
- ~dolnack
- ~donohoe
- ~dot22
- ~dotgort
- ~dottiec
- ~douglaswolk
- ~downey
- ~dpemulis
- ~dphiffer
- ~dps
- ~dreamsphere
- ~drevil
- ~drew
- ~dreww
- ~drh
- ~drifter
- ~drishtiweb
- ~drmad
- ~drofmij
- ~droob
- ~drunkittenproduction
- ~drzingo
- ~ds
- ~dsims
- ~dskully
- ~dsturnbull
- ~duartesoueu
- ~dubhthach
- ~duke
- ~dukefleed
- ~dummydonkey
- ~duncan
- ~dusansimic
- ~dvd
- ~dvosipov
- ~dvtate
- ~dwd
- ~dwm
- ~dwn
- ~dwx
- ~dylan
- ~dylanr
- ~earne
- ~easrng
- ~eaton
- ~eborisch
- ~ebsd
- ~echelon
- ~echovideo
- ~eclair
- ~ecsaln
- ~ed
- ~edel
- ~edev
- ~edmorais
- ~edsu
- ~efreak
- ~eggandburger
- ~eggy
- ~egj
- ~einzelganger
- ~ejw
- ~ekkie
- ~ekkoklang
- ~el
- ~elb
- ~elbullazul
- ~eldritch
- ~electricdreamscoop
- ~elevenkb
- ~eli2and40
- ~elman
- ~em
- ~emacs
- ~emcariglino
- ~emerson
- ~emigre
- ~emily
- ~emme
- ~emol
- ~emprario
- ~emptyadam
- ~emv
- ~emymin
- ~en3xus
- ~enamel
- ~endling
- ~endoftime
- ~endorphant
- ~enes
- ~engirugger42
- ~englishm
- ~enju
- ~enkidu
- ~enlacepilar01
- ~entity
- ~entoreor
- ~epw
- ~eradicate
- ~eric
- ~ericprice
- ~erics
- ~erika
- ~ernest
- ~ernok
- ~esch
- ~esmp
- ~esquilax
- ~etalon
- ~etc404
- ~ethereal
- ~etreas
- ~euc
- ~evan
- ~eve
- ~everyplace
- ~ewb
- ~ewoks
- ~execat
- ~exedore6
- ~exr
- ~extraface
- ~exxxxkc
- ~ezist
- ~ezra
- ~f00lg
- ~fab1
- ~fabianmoronzirfas
- ~fabianmu
- ~fabius
- ~faefeyfa
- ~faff
- ~faiataiga
- ~failfast
- ~falken
- ~fansipans
- ~fapuro
- ~faq
- ~fatbird
- ~fayna
- ~feldman
- ~fenris
- ~fenton
- ~ferorge
- ~ferryman
- ~fferland
- ~fhost
- ~fib
- ~fieryaleeco
- ~fionn
- ~fireland
- ~fish
- ~fishbyte
- ~fishfinger
- ~fitkoh
- ~fitnr
- ~fitrh
- ~fiveoverfour
- ~fkf
- ~flow
- ~flozi
- ~fluffy
- ~flux
- ~fn
- ~fnord
- ~fnordperfect
- ~fofajardo
- ~ford
- ~forero
- ~fortera
- ~fos13
- ~fourhoarder
- ~fox
- ~foxdie
- ~foxe
- ~fpants
- ~fractalverse
- ~fran
- ~frank
- ~fraziema
- ~freach
- ~fred
- ~freeborn
- ~freespeech
- ~freet
- ~freetux
- ~freitag
- ~frenata
- ~freya
- ~frijole
- ~frizlab
- ~frm
- ~fropple
- ~frostcake
- ~frostlyte
- ~frumon
- ~fsck
- ~fsi
- ~ftrain
- ~fugaz
- ~funtoomen
- ~futuraprime
- ~futurefabric
- ~fuzzy
- ~g33k
- ~gRegorLove
- ~gabe
- ~gabriel
- ~gadhra
- ~gago50
- ~galaxy
- ~galv
- ~gareppa
- ~garret
- ~garrettc
- ~garrettsux
- ~gasahorlogo
- ~gasconheart
- ~gauntlet
- ~gaussianblue
- ~gautampk
- ~gbmor
- ~gc
- ~gct
- ~gedankenstuecke
- ~geekbot
- ~geekpower
- ~geforce
- ~gen
- ~generalminion
- ~geny3
- ~george
- ~gepiti
- ~gerwitz
- ~gf3
- ~ggmohamed624
- ~ghodawalaaman
- ~ghost
- ~gigmx
- ~gigog27
- ~gikiski
- ~gildasio
- ~gilest
- ~gingertek
- ~gipp
- ~gka
- ~gko
- ~glance
- ~glennf
- ~glitchjpg
- ~glob
- ~globz
- ~glove
- ~gmw
- ~gnana
- ~gnu3ra
- ~gnuhacker
- ~gnunix
- ~goldman
- ~goldnite
- ~goltz
- ~gomer
- ~gonerogue
- ~gooey
- ~goosemoose
- ~gopoboi
- ~gorshin
- ~gothicc
- ~goup
- ~gr33pp
- ~gra
- ~grace
- ~grant
- ~grantmiiller
- ~gravitationalwave
- ~greeney
- ~greg
- ~gregab
- ~gregg
- ~gregorg
- ~gremax
- ~grewsome
- ~greyhoundforty
- ~grh
- ~gribbly
- ~griff0n
- ~gringogar
- ~gritty
- ~grizzly
- ~grot
- ~gruber
- ~gschueler
- ~gsdsam
- ~gshapiro
- ~gst
- ~guan
- ~gube
- ~guest
- ~guffo
- ~guictx
- ~gunnar
- ~gupak
- ~guy
- ~gwen
- ~gzj
- ~hacking0912
- ~haikurisu
- ~hakushu
- ~halcyon
- ~halloleo
- ~hamlolum
- ~hammie
- ~hamptonmoore
- ~hamzatgp
- ~hans
- ~hapax
- ~hardmous
- ~harper
- ~harrek
- ~harrison
- ~harvettfox96
- ~hastur
- ~havermax
- ~haydenkale
- ~hazelwood
- ~hazy
- ~hbhighland
- ~hchamp
- ~hdaen
- ~heather
- ~hedy
- ~heehee
- ~heiho
- ~hellbox
- ~hellosmile6
- ~henry
- ~hepraze
- ~herles
- ~hexangel616
- ~hexen
- ~hexten
- ~heyitsal
- ~heyitsolivia
- ~heyts
- ~hifikuno
- ~himedlooff
- ~hivemind
- ~hj
- ~hnp
- ~hnr
- ~hobo
- ~hokies9402
- ~hornedknight
- ~horseblood
- ~hoteldon
- ~howardyew
- ~howdycat
- ~hsiao
- ~hua
- ~hughes
- ~hugojosefson
- ~hugolopolus
- ~hungryroy
- ~hunterirving
- ~hv
- ~hyiltiz
- ~hyperreal
- ~hypron
- ~hz
- ~i0i0i
- ~iambozdar
- ~iank
- ~ianr
- ~ico
- ~icxven
- ~ido
- ~iev
- ~iex
- ~if
- ~igowen
- ~ihsan
- ~ikesmith
- ~ilia
- ~ilu
- ~ilya19ph
- ~imaginarycity
- ~imonfp
- ~imt
- ~in3pire
- ~inchingfwd
- ~inck
- ~incon
- ~indoneziva
- ~indvst
- ~infuerno
- ~ink
- ~inky
- ~innerteapot
- ~insichtweite
- ~insincer
- ~interference
- ~internetguy
- ~invis
- ~iolfree
- ~ionawired
- ~ipkcle
- ~iroha
- ~ironicsans
- ~isaac
- ~ishani
- ~issackelly
- ~itmr
- ~itsiag
- ~itssb
- ~ivey
- ~ivvncx
- ~ivy
- ~izaak
- ~izzaboo
- ~j0
- ~j0hax
- ~jac98
- ~jack
- ~jackdaw
- ~jackdoe
- ~jackharrhy
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- ~thecomputerguy
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- ~tildatest
- ~tilde
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- ~tinysplendor
- ~tionis
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- ~tlynn
- ~tm
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- ~tobek
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